Discover HAPPY MONITORING in two minutes
HAPPY MONITORING innovative solution is dedicated to monitor in real time any possible movement in natural landscapes or artificial structures. In order to better understand our expertise in high-precision and unique measurement of millimeters without any visibility on the movement, click and be HAPPY!
HAPPY MONITORING moves to the cloud
HAPPY MONITORING has decided to migrate all servers on local cloud servers in the destinated countries to improve its performances and the global user experience of its customers. Apart from the scalability of the system, costs, the company allows its users to access the cloud services and data in local EPSG* in the cloud. As a result, the integrity of data in the cloud offers much greater security and flexibility.
“We are very pleased to announce to our customers that they can now get all of their secure data on a local server,” said René Schnider, Sales and Technical Director. “For a young company like ours, this is an important migration because we want to create added value for our customers”.
* the local coordinate systems worldwide
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